Saturday 30 July 2011

Goodbye Taiwan

Today was the last day at Heng Yee. We had parent/teacher interviews, a final performance, and then we had to keep the kids entertained for the afternoon. I played Bolt and set them free. I got a cute goodbye note from each student courtesy of my EA. Actually, my kids pretty much forgot that I was leaving forever so when they left they were just so happy to be free of school that they just ran out and then they all ran back to say goodbye to me.

Performance photos and videos are going to be sent out to us later. My class along with two others put on a "teacher fashion show" so the three class teachers put on ridiculous outfits and did a catwalk while our strongest students read a little blurb about us. It was fun and embarrassing. Actually, the other two classes had been bringing stuff for their teachers to wear and I told my kids, "You have to bring me cool stuff to wear or I'll look bad on stage!" They didn't do anything at all until today. Three kids brought things for me: a hat, a scarf, and a sparkly floral pin. The hat was awesome but I'll leave that for the photos.

It's been a fun trip. Time to finish packing! I have to wake up at 5am tomorrow to get to the airport on time. Heading to Hong Kong for about a week. See you all soon!

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